Don't ever let anyone tell you that one person can't make a difference. It is just not true! ONE PERSON does make a difference. ONE PERSON matters to that dog and to Second Chance Dog Rescue. Without you, something doesn't happen...something doesn't get done...a dog doesn't get that reassurance from you...YOU MATTER. VOLUNTEERING MATTERS!
Will you be needed at Second Chance? YES! We have some very devoted volunteers but we are all overworked. We absolutely need help...YOUR help! |
Bring your children with you. Teach them the value of giving. Teach them about being part of their community. They will learn how to care for dogs and how to appreciate the love the dogs share with all of us. It is quality time with a child!
What do the volunteers do?
Direct Dog Cares
Feed and water dogs Bathing Brushing their fur Cleaning ears and eyes Clipping toenails Walking the dogs Playing with the dogs Socializing the dogs by holding them Leash training Teaching the dogs to sit and lay down Special Events and Projects Attending events such as our Run with the Big Dogs, Pet Smart adoptions, county fairs, Pet Expo, Log Cabin Days, parades and more! Projects can include carpentry work, artwork/design, fencing, building repairs. |
Office Work
Filing Answering Phones Working on Database Making copies Data Entry Organizing Help with marketing Cleaning Sweeping Mopping Cleaning doors and windows Clean sinks, tub Clean kennels Clean beds Provide fresh blankets and toys |